Reasearch Program "Maïmonide-Israel"



THE ALPHABET: HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIRST MILLENNIUM BCE SOUTHERN LEVANT: 1. Objectives The present research project seeks to study, from the ground up, the history and evolution of the alphabet — especially Hebrew and Aramaic — in the First Millennium BCE Southern Levant in the light of new discoveries and with the help of new technologies. 2. Methodology (1) Catalogue; (2) Examination and Imaging; (3) Palaeographical Analysis; (4) Historical Interpretation; (5) Edition and Publication 3. Potential scientific contribution of the proposed research By shedding new light on ancient documents written in alphabetic scripts, the results of this research will benefit epigraphers, historians, archaeologists, historians of religions, philologists, linguists, and all who study the Orient through its texts. 4. Mode of cooperation and added value In Israel, Esther Eshel is one of the leading epigraphers of several archaeological excavations, among them Herodium, Tel-es-Safi, the Jewish Quarter and especially Maresha. In Maresha she published a hundred Aramaic ostraca, with almost four hundred more awaiting decipherment and publication. A French epigrapher, Michael Langlois has developed computer tools and techniques for the study of ancient inscriptions and manuscripts. They will work togther closely, combine their expertises, travel to visit each other's laboratories with team members, and train students through research. This cooperation will stretch the boundaries of knowledge in the field of history and epigraphy through digital humanities.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganizationsBar-Ilan University, Israel
