Personal profile

About Me

Personal Biographical Information

I received my B.Sc. degree (summa cum laude) from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel in 1986 and the M.Sc. (cum laude) and Ph.D. degrees from Tel-Aviv University, Israel in 1995 and 2000, respectively, all in electrical engineering. In 2001 I held a post-doctoral position at the department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT-SISTA) at K.U.Leuven, Belgium. From 2002 to 2003 I held a research and teaching position at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Currently, I am a Full Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. I am the recipient of Bar-Ilan University outstanding lecturer award for 2010 and 2014. I am also a co-recipient of eight best paper awards. Faculty Responsibilities I am heading the Speech and Signal Processing laboratories at the Faculty of Engineering at Bar-Ilan and the Signal Processing Track. The Speech & Acoustics Lab, characterized by controllable reverberation time and equipped with state-of-the-art multi-channel transmission and acquisition and measurement capabilities, was inaugurated in 2009. I am also serving as the head of the Signal Processing Track, the head of the MSc program on Information Processing and Data Science, and the head of the Advanced Studies Committee at the Faculty of Engineering. I teach the courses: Stochastic Algorithms for Signal Processing; Advanced lab in Signal Processing; Discrete-time Signal Processing 2; Speech Processing; and Array Processing.

Review and Editing

I have served as an Associate Editor of the EURASIP Journal of Advances in Signal Processing in 2003–2012, and as an Editor of several special issues on multi-microphone speech processing of the same journal. He has also served as a Guest Editor of the ELSEVIER Speech Communication and Signal Processing journals. He has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing in 2009–2013, and an area chair for the same journal 2013-2017. Currently, he serves as a moderator for arXiv in the field of audio and speech processing. I also serves as a reviewer of many IEEE journals and conferences. International Activities I am a member of the Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (AASP) technical committee of the IEEE since Jan., 2010, and serve as the committee chair sine Jan., 2017. I am also a member of the Technical and Steering committee of the International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC) since 2005 and was the general co-chair of IWAENC 2010 held in Tel-Aviv, Israel in August 2010. I have also served as the general co-chair of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) held in October 2013, in New Paltz, NY, USA. I was selected to present tutorial sessions at the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2012, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2012, ICASSP 2013 and EUSIPCO 2013, and keynote addresses at IWAENC 2012 and LVA/ICA 2017.

Research Interests

My research interests include parameter estimation, statistical signal processing and speech processing, e.g. 1) Single microphone speech enhancement and source separation; 2) Array processing techniques for source localization and acquisition and noise reduction with application to speech enhancement, echo cancellation and speaker localization and speaker extraction and separation; 3) Linear and nonlinear optimal filtering; 4) Recursive Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimators with application to speech processing; 5) Speech Processing for Hearing Aid Devices; 6) Distributed algorithms for wireless and ad hoc microphone arrays; and 7) Data-driven methods (e.g. manifold learning and deep learning) in speech processing.

Research interests include parameter estimation, statistical signal processing and speech processing, e.g.

  1. Single microphone speech enhancement and source separation;
  2. Array processing techniques for source localization and acquisition and noise reduction with application to speech enhancement, echo cancellation and speaker localization and speaker extraction and separation;
  3. Linear and nonlinear optimal filtering;
  4. Recursive Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimators with application to speech processing;
  5. Speech Processing for Hearing Aid Devices;
  6. Distributed algorithms for wireless and ad hoc microphone arrays; and
  7. Data-driven methods (e.g. manifold learning and deep learning) in speech processing.

Applications include human listening, hearing aids, smart devices, and robot audition.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Tel Aviv University

Oct 1995Oct 2000

Award Date: 1 Oct 2000

Master's Degree, Tel Aviv University

Nov 1993May 1995

Award Date: 1 May 1995


Oct 1982Aug 1986

Award Date: 1 Aug 1986


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