Vjenka Garms-Homolová
- University of Applied Sciences Berlin
- Technical University of Berlin
- University of Applied Sciences, Engineering, and Economics
External person
Mary Tanus
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Israeli Ministry of Health
- Galilee Medical Center
- Western Galilee Medical Center of Nahariya
External person
Michal Mashiach-Eizenberg
- Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel
- Yezreel Valley College
- Emek Yesrael College
- Yezreel Valley Academic College
- Yezreel Valley Academic College
External person
Jiska Cohen-Mansfield
- Tel Aviv University
- Minerva Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of End of Life
- George Washington University
- Innovative Aging Research
- Innovative Aging Research, Inc.
- Research Institute on Aging
- Research Institute on Aging of Charles E. Smith Life Communities
External person
Frida Simonstein
- Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel
- Yezreel Valley Academic College
- Yezreel Valley Academic College
External person