Organization profile
Organization profile
The center offers training, counseling and training services for professionals working in therapeutic-educational frameworks for children from birth to three (educators, principals, supervisors, counselors) in order to promote the quality of care and education that infants and toddlers receive.
The center's staff includes skilled and experienced professionals with academic and practical knowledge in the field of early childhood development and pedagogy and in the development and implementation of training and education programs for professionals working with infants, toddlers and preschool children.
Center staff:
Dr. Tzili Shochat, director of the center, is an expert in child development, early childhood pedagogy and the training of professional staff.
Deborah Givon (M.A.), an expert in writing early childhood curricula and mentoring professional teams.
The goals of the training and education programs for professionals are:
Allow professionals to become familiar with the criteria and standards appropriate to the regulation required to ensure the quality and availability of educational frameworks for toddlers. For more information click here
Enable professionals to acquire tools on how to improve and promote the quality of educational frameworks for infants and toddlers. For more information click here
Quality assessment of therapeutic-educational frameworks for early childhood: The quality assessment of the educational framework is performed by a team of professional instructors within the educational framework using diverse and valid assessment tools adapted to work with infants and toddlers such as: ITERS, OMI, ECERS, standards document and more.
Regular, regular and continuous training of professional staff within the educational-therapeutic framework. The training is based on a unique "MISC" model developed by the late Prof. Pnina Klein, which aims to promote the quality of interaction between infants and toddlers staying in a group educational setting and their educators, combined with developmentally adapted pedagogy.
Counseling and guidance for counselors in therapeutic-educational frameworks: Like other therapeutic professions, educational counselors also need professional counseling and support. The center enables the receipt of regular, one-time or short-term, individual and / or group counseling and training services, depending on the needs.
Training of professionals in educational therapeutic settings for children from birth to three (in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy). The training is carried out as part of a unique program for those with an MA degree. In early childhood and related professions who are interested in receiving professional recognition from the state for the profession: "Early childhood counselor-counselor." Duration of the program: 120 hours at Bar-Ilan University.
Lectures, seminars and short-term tutorials The lectures and seminars are intended for parents and professionals working in the field of early childhood (birth to three), for paramedical professionals as well as professionals working in the field of educational administration on topics: development and learning of infants and toddlers Infants and toddlers, early childhood game development, the organization of the educational environment, early childhood pedagogy and more.
Academic guidance in establishing an early childhood center in an urban setting: Counseling and guidance are given to new early childhood centers that are interested in focusing their work on the interaction between the adult and the child, based on the MISC model.
Counseling, guidance and accompaniment of parents in choosing an educational framework adapted to infants and toddlers: Counseling and guidance are based on developmental and pedagogical knowledge from birth to three. The counseling is based on the needs of the parents, the needs of the child and the examination and examination of the quality of the existing educational frameworks in accordance with the needs raised.