Organization profile

Organization profile

The Dr. Zerach Werhaftig Institute for the Study of Religious Zionism operates an archive - the Yona Kirschenbaum Archive for the Study of Religious Zionism

This archive contains important collections on the history and development of religious Zionism, and on its various bodies such as: the Mizrahi Histadrut and Hapoel Mizrahi, the Mizrahi settlement and Hapoel Mizrahi, Emuna, Bnei Akiva and more. It also contains important collections about the leaders of religious Zionism, its activists and members, such as: Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan, Rabbi Katriel Fischel Takhoresh, Dr. Zerach Verhaftig, and more.

The archive consists of 25 individual divisions, and 32 organizational and institutional divisions - all divisions deal with issues related to religious Zionism - its individuals, institutions and organizations.

The archive contains correspondence, protocols, press clippings, photos and interviews with various figures from religious Zionism. In addition to the archival divisions, the archive also has a small library with a small collection of books written about religious Zionism and members of religious Zionism. The existing topics in the collection are: settlement, education, thought, society, politics and research on religious Zionism. There is also a special section for MA and Dr. works that deal with diverse aspects of religious Zionism.

The archive has undergone a number of administrative hands. It was founded by Dr. Sylvia Shinkolovsky-Carol, after several years passed to Rinat Klein. Today, Aliza Edelman manages the archive.