The Commercial Law Center

  • Postal addressShow on map

    Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Law

    52900 Ramat Gan


Organization profile

Organization profile

The Commercial Law Center at the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan University provides quality in-depth specialization courses in commercial law. Its wide target audience includes jurists, judges, and lawyers in public service, as well as participants who do not have law degrees but wish to gain acquaintance with the legal world in areas related to their occupations: accountants, economists, executives, appraisers, architects, engineers, doctors, insurance agents , senior government offices, people engaged in real estate, and consultants in various fields.
The Commercial Law Center offers a variety of courses in many areas of current interest, such as real estate law, planning and construction law, local authorities regulations, administrative law, tenders, commercial contracts, computer law, labor law, torts, family law, tax law, corporate law, banking law, intellectual property, mediation-compromise, execution, social security, and more. Participants acquire a variety of skills, with emphasis on practical aspects of the profession.
The Commercial Law Center recruits the best lecturers and experts in various fields, including leading judges, eminent academics in their field, lawyers with special expertise, senior officials in the various sectors of the economy, and experts with recognized experience in their practice. Teaching at the Center is characterized by a high academic level and quality.
The Commercial Law Center is the most important organization in Israel engaged in providing legal training outside the context of an academic degree. It represents an important link and significant addition to the many and varied degree programs offered by the Faculty. The Centre reveals the legal world in the most professional way to non-jurists. Its continued existence and development promises a significant improvement of professionalism in many practice areas, and contributes to the advancement of a developed and strong Israeli society.