Student theses
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1. A Cello Offering for Cello Solo and Symphony Orchestra 2. Rediscovery of the Bayan in the Compositions of Sofia Gubaidulina
Geller, M. (Author), Olivero-Mayoni, B. (Supervisor) & Lewensohn, G. (Supervisor), 1 Feb 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
1. Colours for Symphony Orchestra 2. Sound, Light, Line: Music-Painting Dialogues in the Ouvre of Edison Denisov
Agiashvili, H. (Author), Olivero-Mayoni, B. (Supervisor) & Lewensohn, G. (Supervisor), 21 Jun 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
1. Scenes from the Life of an Anti-Herp, Concerto for Piano and Orchestra 2. Serial Components in Arvo Part's New Simplicity
Weiner, A. (Author), Lewensohn, G. (Supervisor) & Olivero-Mayoni, B. (Supervisor), 20 Mar 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Composing Support System based on Solving the Knight's Tour Riddle by Magic Squares
Azor, R. (Author)Avitsur, E. (Supervisor), 4 Jan 2018Student thesis: MA Thesis
Active Listening In Junior High Schools
Isaacson, A. (Author), B. Stauffer, G. (Supervisor), 1991Student thesis: MA Thesis
A journey to further qualification - between music therapy and psychotherapy
Nevo, R. (Author), Dassa, A. (Supervisor), 19 Oct 2022Student thesis: MA Thesis
"And Your Body, To Me Was a View, a Window and a Mirror"*: A Study of Music Therapists' Body Awareness During therapeutic Session in General, and Specifically While Playing
Sar-Shalom Mochiach, Y. (Author), Govrin, A. (Supervisor), Yehuda, N. (Supervisor) & Amir, D. (Supervisor), 23 Sep 2012Student thesis: MA Thesis
An exploratory examintion of an ecological model in music therapy for treatment high school adolesents with conduuct disorders
Reich, M. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 3 Dec 2019Student thesis: MA Thesis
"As Material in the Hand of the Creator" Listening to a musical composition and understanding it as reflected in the Mirrors o f musicians, students who are not musicians and children
Shur, A. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 1 Sep 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Structural Model of the Traditional Arab Wedding Ceremonies in the Lower Galilee on the Basis of Women's Songs Sung to the Bride and Groom
Awawdeh, D. (Author)Frigyesi, J. (Supervisor), 16 Feb 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Audio only augmented reality reality system for social interaction
Gurion, T. (Author)Avitsur, E. (Supervisor), 26 Nov 2015Student thesis: MA Thesis
Betty Olivero's Music and the Influence of Jewish Folklore on Her Work
Viks, A. (Author)Haimo, E. (Supervisor), 11 Jun 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Characteristics of th "Tearful s0ngs" (Shirei dickaon) of oriental Jews and the role they play among and the role they plal among adolescents of oriental origin
Fradkin, D. (Author), Bodner, E. (Supervisor), 5 Jul 2009Student thesis: MA Thesis
Connecting Points in Jazz Dialects: The Process of the Harmonic Metamorphosis
Palty, A. (Author)Avitsur, E. (Supervisor), 12 Feb 2008Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"Continuity and Transformation in Popular Music": The Influences of Musical Traditions on Paul Simon’s Work
Hellinger, M. (Author)Erez, O. (Supervisor), 31 Jul 2023Student thesis: MA Thesis
Creating musical life stories with older adults: A participatory action research
Levy, N. (Author), Bodner, E. (Supervisor) & Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 26 May 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Creative Work in Groups in Music Classes in Elementary Schools
Shmuelof, S. (Author), Isaacson, A. (Supervisor) & Schwartz, D. (Supervisor), 26 May 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Curriculum of Computerized Music in Schools-Design and Products: A Multiple Case Study
Aviram, E. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor) & Isaacson, A. (Supervisor), 19 Nov 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Developing a Training Program for the Integration of Instrument/Voice Teaching in Music Therapy: A Participatory Action Research
Mazor, A. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 21 Mar 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Dimensional Structures Underlying Perception of Musical Expression in Solo Violin Performances
Sulem, A. (Author), Bodner, E. (Supervisor), 30 Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Does listening to vocal improvisons promote recognition of emotions in human voice among patients suffering from social phobia?
Aharoni, R. (Author), Bodner, E. (Supervisor), 21 Jul 2010Student thesis: MA Thesis
Elements of synchrony and asynchrony in a drumming group of adults with Autism
Diamant Engelbe, D. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 10 Apr 2022Student thesis: MA Thesis
Empirical Examination of Pitch and Interval Perception in Synthesized Sine Waves among Musicians
Silberberg, A. (Author), Cohen, S. (Supervisor), 25 Nov 2020Student thesis: MA Thesis
Examination of the pricesses taking place in a music therapy group for mothers and their premature infants afteer discharge from the NICU
Noy, G. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 22 Oct 2019Student thesis: MA Thesis
Examining the Development of the Relationdhip between Music Therpists (who are not from the Ethiopian community) and Clients the Ethiopian Community who are Living Residential Treatment Center for Endangerment Youth - the Therapists Point of View
Ze'evi, N. (Author), Bensimon, M. (Supervisor), Amir, D. (Supervisor) & Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 8 Aug 2012Student thesis: MA Thesis
Examining the Impact of the "Ensemble" Model of Group Therapy in Music and Arts on the Developing Social Skils of Preschool Children
Blanky Voronov, R. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 1 Apr 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Forur Mucical Compositions
Fort, A. (Author), Olivero-Mayoni, B. (Supervisor) & Lewensohn, G. (Supervisor), 14 Dec 2010Student thesis: MA Thesis
Four Chamber Music Compositions
Bracha, U. (Author), Olivero-Mayoni, B. (Supervisor) & Lewensohn, G. (Supervisor), 6 Sep 2016Student thesis: MA Thesis
Four Chamber Music Compositions
Maizel, G. (Author)Avitsur, E. (Supervisor), 22 Sep 2016Student thesis: MA Thesis
Four Chamber Pieces for various ensemles
Nitzan, Y. (Author), Olivero-Mayoni, B. (Supervisor) & Lewensohn, G. (Supervisor), 2 Dec 2008Student thesis: MA Thesis
Four Musical Compositions For Different Instrumental.
Bat, E. (Author), Olivero-Mayoni, B. (Supervisor), 16 Jun 2008Student thesis: MA Thesis
Generational Dialogs: Studies on Ageism, its Expressions in Israeli Music and its Implications on Grandparent's Grandchildren's Relationship and on Older Adults Will-to-live
Gvili, R.-L. (Author), Bodner, E. (Supervisor), 7 Jan 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Group Music Therapy with Holocaust Survivors
Druks, M. (Author)Amir, D. (Supervisor), 27 Feb 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Home-Based Music Therapy for People with Dementia and Their Spouses as Primary Caregivers: Developing a Work Model with an Ecological Perspective
Rosenbach, M. (Author), Dassa, A. (Supervisor) & Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 6 Mar 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Hybrid Analysis-Syntesis Physical Model for Expressive Dynamic Sound
Zimmermann, I. (Author)Avitsur, E. (Supervisor), 18 Sep 2017Student thesis: MA Thesis
Influence of Musical Training on Sensorimotor Synchronization
Minishin, D. (Author)Avitsur, E. (Supervisor), 18 Sep 2017Student thesis: MA Thesis
Issues in Music Therapy with LGBTs
Aronoff, U. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 24 Oct 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Issues of Faith in Music therapy for Jewish Relifious Adolescents
Hacohen, A. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 16 Jun 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Is there "AGood Enough" Repetiton Music Therapy?
Ta, H. (Author), Bodner, E. (Supervisor), 12 Oct 2008Student thesis: MA Thesis
Jean-martin Charcot influence on Debussy' Musical Esthetics between 1880-1900
Nubani, K. (Author), Greenberg, Y. (Supervisor), 10 Oct 2016Student thesis: MA Thesis
Judaism and Germanism in Richard Wagner's Art
Atir, I. (Author)Frigyesi, J. (Supervisor), 16 Jan 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Layers as a Compositional Factor in Debussy's Preludes Book II
Keren, O. (Author)Haimo, E. (Supervisor), 12 Dec 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
lgnaz Fridman Performance in Chopin Works
Feldman, E. (Author)Frigyesi, J. (Supervisor), 10 Oct 2015Student thesis: MA Thesis
Lip-Sync Your Heart Out: A Musical Analysis of Cultural Performativity in Young Ethiopian- Israeli Users on TikTok
Mor, L. (Author)Erez, O. (Supervisor), 16 May 2023Student thesis: MA Thesis
Longitudinal study of the Development of toddlers' instrumental musical expression
Keren, I. (Author), Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 23 Jun 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Mendelssohn and Bach: Between Imitation and Assimilation
Weiss, T. (Author), Agmon, E. (Supervisor), 26 Apr 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Mode Huayoun in Persian and Azerbaijanian Cultures
Avisror, H. (Author)Ritzarev, M. (Supervisor), 8 Feb 2016Student thesis: MA Thesis
Mozart and Others The Representation of the other's Image and its Meaning in Mozart's Comic Operas
Litai-Jacoby, R. (Author)Lewensohn, G. (Supervisor) & Hassine, J. (Supervisor), 12 May 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Multicultural Music in State and State Religious Education in Israel: The "Shirim VeShorashim" Program as a Model for Instilling Values
Laor, S. (Author), Schwartz, D. (Supervisor) & Kollender, R. (Supervisor), 20 Dec 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Musical Characteristics and Interactional Functions of Echolalia of Children with Autism As Experienced from Both Perspectives of the Music Ther apy Dyad: The Client and the Music Therapust
Kressel Marom, M. (Author), Bodner, E. (Supervisor) & Gilboa, A. (Supervisor), 27 Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis