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    The Daniel Abraham Center for Economics and Business Administration, Building 504

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Search results

  • 2023

    Foreword by the Guest Editors

    McKenzie, D., Özden, Ç. & Rapoport, H., Jul 2023, In: Economic Development and Cultural Change. 71, 4, p. 1279-1281 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2021

    Editorial introduction for special issue on policies and politics

    Hillman, A. L., Schiffman, D., Sohlberg, I. & Stratmann, T., Mar 2021, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 67, 101997.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • In Memoriam: Heinrich W. Ursprung 1951–2021

    Hillman, A. L., Dec 2021, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 70, 102127.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • Investigation in search of truth

    Hillman, A. L. & Ursprung, H. W., Mar 2021, In: Public Choice. 186, 3-4, p. 223-228 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • 2020

    Acknowledgement to reviewers of social sciences in 2019

    Abbas, A., Abel, G., Abreu, A., Adam, A., Adamek, M., Adiletta, G., Adusei-asante, K. A., Romeo, M. D. M., Alderson, A., Alfaro, E., Aliverti, A., Almeida, F., Álvarez-gonzález, L. I., Amelina, A., Anand, C., Anderson, G., Andreasson, J., Ang, I., Aragon, J. & Arcidiacono, C. & 822 others, Arcuri, S., Assante, D., Atukeren, E., Avery, H., Ayeb-karlsson, S., Azadi, H., Bachman, R., Bader, M., Badulescu, A., Bahmanteymouri, E., Baines, S., Baker, T., Baker‐beall, C., Bañón, L., Bar‐am, N., Barbier‐greenland, K., Barnett, R., Barragán‐escandón, A., Barreto, A. M., Barrett, E., Bartkowski, J., Bartram, R., Bartzas, G., Bates, D., Baviera‐puig, A., Bayley, A., Beazley, H., Beer, C., Behr, H., Beier, G., Belford, N., Bencivenga, R., Benli, A. E., Benton‐short, L., Berei, J. M., Berbel‐pineda, E., Bernstein, Berntzen, E. R., Bertella, L., Birney, G., Bittle, M., Black, S., Rivero, L. B., Blattner, J. J., Blok, C., Blount, A., Boas, Y., Bockarie, I., Bockerman, A., Bodén, P., Bönisch‐brednich, L., Bontje, B., Bontje, M., Borsellino, V., Bostan, I., Bowl, M., Bowman, B., Bracci, E., Bracken, C. M., Bradley, H., Brereton, P., Brewer, J., Bridge, D., Brooks, S., Brown, A., Brzoska, M., Brzozowski, W., Buckley, G., Buente, W., Bullaro, G. R., Burke, M. D., Burlacu, S., Busu, M., Butler, S., Byrne, J., Cabral, L., Cai, Y., Cajias, M., Calin, A. C., Callegari, C., Camarero, M., Campbell-figuerola, H., Campbell, J. R., Cannito, M., Canonico, E., Canosa, A., Carabelli, G., Carlbom, A., Carlone, T., Caron, R., Carpenter, A., Caruso, G., Casais, B., Castro, M. P., Cava, M. J., Čentéš, J., Cerchione, R., Certomà, C., Chan, E., Charles, D., Charlwood, A., Chatzifotiou, S., Chell, K., Chen, L., Chen, L., Chen, Q., Chen, W. J., Ching, L., Christensen, J., Ciasullo, M. V., Cimermanová, I., Činčera, J., Cipollina, M., Clutterbuck, R., Cochrane, B., Collin, K., Conley, R., Connell, H., Connelly, J., Connelly, L., Connelly, R., Conti, D., Conversi, D., Conway, G., Cooper, S., Cope, M., Corsini, F., Cristian, P., Crohn, H. M., Croog, R. C., Salazar, T., Csiszár, C., D’auria, I., D’souza, A., D’souza, N., Dabija, D. C., Dagg, J., Dalby, S., DaleDalsgård, B., Dʹamato, A. L., Daniel, D., Dant, L., Dantas, C., Darwin, H., Dashper, K., David, M. E., De Flippo, D., De, A., Edi, M., Velázquez, D. C., Velázquez, F., Del Vecchio, P., Delatolla, A., Delgado, P., Delgado‐romero, E., Delrosso, J., Desimone, J., Detlefsen, L., Devaney, C., Díaz, L. M., Didham, R., Diogo, E., Dirakis, A., Doberneck, D., Doidge, M. D., Molero, G., Dombrowski, P. J., Doñate, C., Martín Đorđević, S. D., Reis, P. G. R., Doucek, P., Dundes, L., Dvouletý, O., Dybo, T., Eastman, J., Eckhardt, J., Economou, A., Edler, D., Edu, U., Ekblom, P. E., Khaled, D., Ellis, C., Elsabry, E., Erceg, A., Erokhin, V., Ertz, M., Everitt, J., Evers, A., Falcone, P. M. F., Cabana, P., Fawcett, B., Fearnley, B., Featherstone, M., Ferreira, M., Ferreira, P., Fetner, T., Fisher, J., Fisher, R., Fitzpatrick, T., Flanagan, C., Fogarty, E. A., Fonchingong, C. C., Fontana, M., Fook, J., Foreman, A. M., Foster‐mcgregor, N., Fox, S., Franco, J. A., Franklin, A. L., Friedrich, T., Fromm, I., Fu, N., Fucà, R., Fukuda, Y., Fusco, G., Gabriela, D., Galan, D., Gamo, A., Galiano, J., Garcia, A., García, M. E. A., García‐germán, S., García‐machado, J. J., García‐ruiz, C. R., Gavini, M., Gazzano, A., Gebhardt, M., Gerson, S., Gherghina, S., Gherghina, Ş. C., Gibbs, P., Gilhooly, D., Gill, F., Gill, N., Gil‐lopez, A. J., Ginès Fabrellas, A., Giuffrida, N., Giuliani, G., Goddard, J., Godderis, R., Goh, C. S., Gomes, O., Goncharuk, A. G., Canche, M. G., Pérez, I. G., Valero, G., González, R. C. L., Gonzalez‐benson, O., Gonzalez‐feliu, J., González‐lópez, M., Gozdziak, E., Granx, B., Gran, R., Gray, S. L., Grbes, A., Grondys, K., Grugan, S., Guenther, J., Guijarro, F., Gurko, T., Haas, L. L., Hagellx, A., Hagell, H., Hallgrímsdóttir, H., Hamada, T., Hanf, J., Hannouf, M., Hao, F., Harman, G., Harris, K. L., Harris, R., Harrison, N. H., Healy, K., Healy, K., Heikkilä, E., Hellmich, C., Henig, J., Henninger, C. E., Heo, W., Herman, C., Herrero‐diz, P., Heyman, J., Hibbert, N., Hillman, A. L., Hillman, B., Hine, B., Hino, K., Hinten, M., Hipp, L., Hoang, D., Holleran, D., Hollin, I., Holm, M., Holmes, C., Hook, G., Hoornweg, D., Hopper, L., Hossain, M., Hoxhaj, R., Hu, B., Huang, Y., Huarita, E., Hudec, O., Humbert, A. L., Hung, M. C., Hunt, A., Husu, L., IanoleIbáñez‐gonzález, R., Ibáñez‐gonzález, M. J., Ide, T., Ijaz, M. F., Impicciatore, R., Ingwersen, M., Ioannides, D., Iseppi, L., Islam, M. M., Jaakkola, M., Jagger, S., Jagosh, J., Jenkin, G., Joelsson, T., Johansen, R. E. B., Johnsen, H. C., Garmann Jona, G., Jones, T., Judit, O., Kalalahti, M., Kang, M., Kantamaneni, K., Kaplan, L., Kapsalis, V., Karbowski, A., Katsoni, V., Kavish, D. R., Kawamura, H., Keilman, N. W., Kelly, J., Kenneth, H., Kepaptsoglou, K., Kevin, D., Kewley, S., Kim, J. C., Kim, K. Y., Kim, S., Kimengsi, J. N., Klein, J., Kleine, M., Klemes, J. I. R. I., Klepp, S., Klinkenberg, L. E. F., Knight, L., Knowles, J., Koerner, S., Konsolakis, K., Konstantinov, V., Kopkin, N. K., Kordova, S., Kosinski, E., Kostelka, F., Kot, S., Kotter, R., Kramers, A., Krienert, J. L., Kubon, M., Kuffer, M., Kungolos, A., Kuttner, P., Kużelewska, E., Ladd, A. E., Lammi, M., Landrum, J., Lange, B., Languilaire, T. D., Lantz, J. C., Laudal, B., Laurentsyeva, T., Lavizzari, N., Lavoie, A., Feuvre, J. L., Leakey, N., Lee, R., Lee, A., Lee, E., Lee, J., Lentner, J. H., Lenz‐taguchi, C., Leong, H., Levac, W. S., Lewin, L., Lewinson, E., Li, T., Li, F., Li, G., Li, M., Liczmańska‐kopcewicz, Y., Lillard, K., Linková, C., Links, M., Lipinski, P., Storto, J. L., Lochtman, C., Lockwood, K., Loh, A., Lomonaco‐benzing, V., Łopaciuk‐gonczaryk, R., López, B., lópez, D., Lorenzini, J., Löther, A., Loughnan, C., Love, T., Lucas, M. L., Ubago, J., Lukic, J., Lumley‐sapanski, A., Macedo, I., Macfarlane, S., Machimbarrena, J. M., Magda, R., Magrane, D., Maier, D., Majic, S., Majumdar, S., Makarovič, M., Malekigorji, M., Mallick, B., Malone, D., Mandić, D., Maniou, T., Mannell, J. M., Barbutiu, S., Marczak, M., Markvica, K. M., Aragón, M. D. M., Martín, J. S. M., Pereira, A., Marzal‐felici, J., Mason, F., Mather, J., Matijosaitiene, I., MatthewsMattisson, R., Mattisson, C., Matuszak, Ł., Matuzeviciute, K., Mauerer, G., Mayer, A., McCaig, C., McClearn, D., McKee, S. C., McKendry, S., McMahon, M., McReynolds, P., Medina‐vicent, M., Medyna, G., Mees, H., Meil, G., Meringolo, P., Miciuła, I., Milczarek‐andrzejewska, D., Miles, P., Milivojevic, S., Miller, G., Minello, A., Miron, D., Mironeasa, S., Misra, J., Mitchell, T., Moldovan, O., Molero, P. P., Møllersen, S., Momsen, J. H., Moniz, A. B., Morea, D., Moreau, M. P., Morgan, D. L., Morgan, H., Moscatelli, S., Mostowska, M., Mousavi, A., Mousavi, S., Mrugalska, B., Muinos, G., Mukungu, K., Mukuni, J., Murakami, D., Muresan, I. C., Murib, Z., Muro, A., Mustafa, G., Nackerud, L., Nalmpantis, D., Napal, M., Närvi, J., Naser, M., Nash, V., Navarre‐jackson, L., Navarro, R., Nazarczuk, D., Neale, J., Necula, J., Němec, S., Neven, D., Nevgi, A., Newbold, A., Newton, G., New, A., Niakšu, O., Niiniluoto, I., Nkogo, J. C., Nobre, S., Nunn, P., Oakes, R., Obrad, C., Oke, A., Okorie, O., Oncioiu, I., Ormsbee, F., Ortega‐sánchez, D., Osgood, J., Osorio, C., Oswald, J., Otis, M. D., Ouassini, A., Oxford, S., Page, T., Paixão, M. J., De Pajares, E. M., Palmesr, E., Palos‐sánchez, P., Pamucar, D., Pan, H., Panek, J., Pankowska, M., Papadakis, S., Papafilippou, V. P., Medina, R., Park, C. S., Partalidou, M., Passantino, A., Passini, S., Paul, S., Pavliuk, R., Pearce, P., Pease, K., Pentaris, P., Perez, V. W., Pérez‐armendáriz, C., Perez‐vaisvidovsky, N., Perez‐y‐perez, M., Perry, N., Prtchu, D., Peterson, D. A. M., Alexandru‐ionut, Petrykowski, Petrykowski, P., Phillips, L., Pickard, S., Pickel, A., Pieke, F., Piekut, A., Pierce, S., Pierrakis, Y., Piguet, E., Pleace, N., Połom, M., Polsa, P., Ponticorvo, M., Pookulangara, S., Pope, J., Popoli, P., Postigo, J. C., Price‐wolf, J., Prior, S., Privitera, D., Prud’homme, C., Prosser, J., Prus, P., Puiu, S., Purcell, R., Pyrialakou, D., Quam‐wickham, N., Quarmby, T., Quinlan, K. M., Quinn, A., Quinn, R., Raciti, M., Radicic, D., Rahimi, B., Ramlo, S., Randle, H., Ratajczak, M., Raymond, T., Recio‐menéndez, M., Reese, L. A., Regner, T., Reichman, J., WReim, iebke, R., Pastor, A. M., Rexhepi, G., Reyes‐menendez, A., Reynaud, C., Ribeiro‐soriano, D., Ricci, S., Ridaura, G., Rita, C., Roberts, M., Roberts, G., Roberts, K., Rockerbie, D., Rodger, J. A., Rodin, G., Rodrigues, D. R., Martín, J. A., Rodríguez, C. F., Rodriguez‐modroño, P., Romero‐rodríguez, L. M., Rončáková, T., Roper, I., Rorie, M. R., Marzán, C. F., Rose, G., Rose, M., Rosen, R., Roth, R., Roubík, H., Roumpos, C., Rowbottom, D., Roy, J., Ruban, D., Rubira‐garcía, R., Ruiperez‐valiente, J. A., Ruiz, R., Ruiz‐real, J. L., Russell, B., Russo, K., Sabol, W., Safonte, F., Salin, M., Salom‐carrasco, J. S., Sánchez, L. D., Sanghera, Santos, B. S., Silva, D., Sanz, F., Sanz‐altamira, B., Sarapura, S., Sari, D., Satybaldieva, E., Saura, J. R., Sayed, N., Scandurra, C., Schartner, A., Schellekens, J., Schenk‐hoppé, K. R., Scherer, L., Schewe, J. A., Schewe, R., Schiller, N. G., Schmidt, E. M., Schneickert, C., Schneider, J., Scott, H., Scott, P., Seibel, K., Seidler, R., Seifert, S. S., Puyuelo, M. S., Azevedo, P. S., Lopez, A. E. S., Raamkumar, A. S., Blundo, D., Severo, M., Shakya, K. M., Shapiro, A., Shaw, I. F., Shaw, T. V., Shea, B., Shearer, H., Sheldon, S., Shell‐duncan, B., Shepherd, S., Sheridan, L., Siemienska, R., Sillup, G. P., Simeon, J. C., Simonelli, A., Skilodimou, H. D., Škrinjarić, T., Slater, G., Smardon, R., Smith, J., Smoląg, K., Snauwaert, D. T., Soanes‐white, T., Sobocińska, M., Sohaib, O., Soldatic, K., Sorainen, G. T., Soldatos, A., Sørensen, N. N., Spanu, S., Stadlober, E., Stafford, F., Ștefănescu‐mihăilă, R. O., Stefanini, A., Štefko, R., Steglich, E., Steirer, G., Stephenson, M. O., Stoecker, R., Stoffelen, A., Strang, A., Suppa, D., Sutton, J., Svobodová, L., Swigon, M., Synnott, J., Sytsma, V., Tabe, T., Tajeddini, K., Tang, S., Taylor, B., Taylor, C., Teignier, M., Teixeira, C., Tempelaar, D., Ter Avest, K. H., Ter Horst, E., Testa, M. R., Thakur, N., Thiamwong, L., Thijsen, A., Thomas, B. A., Thompson, C., Thompson, D., Tisdall, K., Toft, M. A. N. C. I. N. I., Torell, A., Toscano‐hernández, G., Tregua, A. E., Triandafyllidou, M., Tseloni, A., Seloni, A., Tsikouras, P., Tsogas, G., Twamley, K., Tyler, D. U., Haque, A., Underwood, M., Urbański, M., Uribe‐toril, J., Vaezipour, A., Van Hove, L. V., Huylenbroeck, G., Van Nuland, S., Vanner, C., Vázquez‐cano, E., Veen, E., Veintimilla, S. G. A., Veković, M., Velija, P., Venco, E. M., Verticelli, A., Vicente, P. V., Estiarte, C., Višnjić, A., Visvizi, A., Vlasblom, J. D., Volsche, S. V., Fintel, D., Von Keyserlingk, L., Vranješević, J., Walley, K., Wandosell, G., Wang, Y., Wasileski, G., Wastl‐walter, D., Weaving, C., Weenik, D., Wehr, K., Wei, X., Wharton, A., White, G., Whitehouse, H., Whitley, C. T., Whitman, L., Wiersma‐mosley, J. D., Wilcke, H., Wilkes, R., Williams, L., Williamson, R. D., Wimalasena, L., Wiseman, A., Wołek, M., Wright, E. Q., Wroblewski, A., Wyile, A. S., Wynn, C., Xu, X., Xue, B., Yang, J., Yoe, T. M., Young, M., Young, M., Younus, M., Yu, T. F., Yuan, Q., Zadra, C., Zaharijević, A., Zajda, J., Zander, K., Zbuchea, A., Zelin, A., Zhang, C., Zippel, K., Zitricky, V., Živanović, P., Zou, L., Zufferey, C., Zuhdi, M. & Zumeta, W. M., 1 Jan 2020, In: Social Sciences. 9, 1, 6.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
  • Editorial: Foreword by the guest editors

    Abramitzky, R., Li, H., Özden, Ç. & Rapoport, H., Jun 2020, In: Journal of Comparative Economics. 48, 2, p. 384 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • Foreword

    Silber, J., 1 Aug 2020, In: Metron. 78, 2, p. 97-98 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
  • 2018

    The Political Economy of Public Policy – Editorial introduction

    Hillman, A. L., Schiffman, D., Sohlberg, I. & Stratmann, T., Sep 2018, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 54, p. 1-4 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2017


    Silber, J., 1 Aug 2017, In: Metron. 75, 2, p. 125-126 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • Preface

    Bertoli, S., D'Aiglepierre, R., David, A., Ozden, C. & Rapoport, H., 2017, In: Revue d'Economie du Developpement. 25, 3-4, p. 5-7 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • The political economy of policy reform

    Economides, G., Hillman, A. L. & Philippopoulos, A., Jun 2017, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 48, p. 1-2 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2016

    Introduction to the Special Issue on Global Poverty Lines

    Lustig, N. & Silber, J., 1 Jun 2016, In: Journal of Economic Inequality. 14, 2, p. 129-140 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • 2015


    Fischbacher, U., Hillman, A. & Ursprung, H., 1 Dec 2015, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 40, p. 207 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2013


    Silber, J., 2013, In: Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being. 9, p. v-vi

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • Migration and development: Contributions from the Fourth AFD-World Bank Migration and Development Conference

    Munshi, K. & Rapoport, H., May 2013, In: Journal of Development Economics. 102, p. 1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2011

    A comment on the MPI index

    Silber, J., Sep 2011, In: Journal of Economic Inequality. 9, 3, p. 479-481 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
    23 Scopus citations
  • 2010

    Income Polarization: Measurement, determinants, and implications

    Deutsch, J. & Silber, J., Mar 2010, In: Review of Income and Wealth. 56, 1, p. 1-6 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    3 Scopus citations
  • Price setting and price adjustment in some European Union Countries: Introduction to the special issue

    Levy, D. & Smets, F., Mar 2010, In: Managerial and Decision Economics. 31, 2-3, p. 63-66 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • 2009


    Ziderman, A. & Bevc, M., Jul 2009, In: Higher Education in Europe. 34, 2, p. 169-170 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • Hobbes and Samuel: Reply

    Hillman, A. L., Oct 2009, In: Public Choice. 141, 1-2, p. 13-15 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
  • Hobbes and the prophet Samuel on leviathan government

    Hillman, A. L., Oct 2009, In: Public Choice. 141, 1-2, p. 1-4 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • 2007


    Silber, J., Dec 2007, In: Journal of Economic Inequality. 5, 3, p. 257 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2005

    Introduction to symposium on Hayek's The Road to Serfdom after 60 years

    Young, W., Dec 2005, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 21, 4, p. 981 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • Symposium on: The political economy of the French referendum on the European Constitution

    Franck, R., Dec 2005, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 21, 4, p. 1069-1070 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    1 Scopus citations
  • 2004

    Economic research on terror

    de Haan, J., Hillman, A. L. & Ursprung, H. W., Jun 2004, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 20, 2, p. 291-292 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    3 Scopus citations
  • 1 Scopus citations
  • Social aspects of political economy

    Young, W., Sep 2004, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 20, 3, p. 769 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 1994


    Hillman, A. L., Nitzan, S. I. & Ursprung, H. W., Jul 1994, In: European Journal of Political Economy. 10, 2, p. 251 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • The econometrics of labor market segregation and discrimination

    Neuman, S. & Silber, J., Mar 1994, In: Journal of Econometrics. 61, 1, p. 1-4 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    1 Scopus citations
  • 1992

    Theoretical and applied aspects of labor-managed firms: Editors' introduction

    Don, Y., Kahana, N. & Weiss, A., Dec 1992, In: Journal of Comparative Economics. 16, 4, p. 567-572 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 1990


    Ziderman, A., 1990, In: Economics of Education Review. 9, 4, p. 279-281 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    1 Scopus citations