The Leica 3D STED system

  • Ravit Madar (Manager)

Equipment/facility: Equipment

    Equipments Details


    The Leica 3D STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy) system achieves resolution below the diffraction limit in both the lateral, and axial directions. Our Leica SP8 offers one of the only tunable white light lasers in Israel. There are two STED continuous wave lasers at 592 nm and 660 nm which allow the use of fluorophores up to 595nm in super-resolution mode.

    The SP8 has been designed for confocal microscopy with optimal photon efficiency and high speed. All optical components are matched towards preserving fluorescence photons for image contrast and to improve cell viability in live cell imaging.


    Inverted Leica DMi8 with anti-vibration table
    Continuous wave laser: UV- Diode 50mW 405nm
    Pulsed laser: White Light Laser (WLL). power 1.5mW:470 - 670nm
    Depletion lasers: two continuous (CW) wave lasers at 592 nm and 660 nm
    Spectral Detection Range of 400nm - 720nm
    Detectors: two HyD (hybrid detectors), two PMTs, and a TLD (transmitted light detector)
    Excitation Modulation: AOTF: up to 8 channels
    Resonant Scanner 8kHz (Maximal Frame Resolution: 1024x1024 pixel; Scan-Zoom: 1.3 - 48x. Up to 7 FPS at 512x512, up to 84 FPS at 512x16)
    Accelerated Z-stacking with the SuperZ galvanometer substage


    NameLeica SP8 STED (2015)
    ManufacturersLeica Microsystems


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    • Super-Resolving Approaches Suitable for Brain Imaging Applications

      Wagner, O. & Zalevsky, Z., 2019, Progress in Optical Science and Photonics. Springer, p. 221-244 24 p. (Progress in Optical Science and Photonics; vol. 5).

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review