The Kanbar Core Facility Unit

  • Itay Lazar (Manager) &
  • Ravit Madar (Manager)

Equipment/facility: Facility

  • LocationShow on map

    Bar-Ilan University

    The Lunenfeld 205 Building




Equipments Details


The Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University provides a wide range of services for academic researchers and users from other institutions and industry.

Our center hosts state-of-the-art instrumentation at the forefront of scientific endeavor, which supports the most demanding applications. Our highly skilled and experienced staff of Ph.Ds', will advise and help guide experiments, operate the equipment, and help process and analyze the results.

We also offer training for independent work for longer-term needs.

Dr. Itay Lazar - Head of the Kanbar Core Facility Unit
Dr. Ravit Madar - Unit Coordinator


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