Incucyte Live-Cell Analysis system

  • Irit Shoval (Manager)

Equipment/facility: Equipment

    Equipments Details


    Incucyte® Live-Cell Analysis
    The Incucyte Live-Cell Analysis system is designed to efficiently capture cellular changes where they happen - in the incubator. Capture high-resolution fluorescence and bright field images and record data in real time over hours, days or weeks. From proliferation assays to immune killing of tumor spheroids, this flexible system enables users to observe and quantify complex biological changes in real time. Integrated software simplifies data analysis to speed time to answer while producing publication-quality graphs and plots.

    The system is equipped with X4, X10 and X20 lenses and images can be visualized in 3 fluorescent channels and phase contrast.

    We also have the capabilities to perform scratch assay and analyze the results.


    NameIncucyte® Live-Cell Imaging System (2020)
    ManufacturersSartorius AG


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