Precellys bead-based homogenizer with Cryolys cooling system – The instrument’s unique figure-8 multi-directional motion provides the same high level of energy and homogenization efficiency to each tube, maintaining the desired temperature between 0 and 10°C before and during the tissue homogenization. Suitable for the extraction of metabolites, proteins, and DNA/RNA.
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Qasem, Z., Pavlin, M., Ritacco, I., Avivi, M. Y., Meron, S., Hirsch, M., Shenberger, Y., Gevorkyan-Airapetov, L., Magistrato, A. & Ruthstein, S., 10 Oct 2022, In: Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences.9, 1011294.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review