CRi Maestro II ™ In-Vivo Imaging System

  • Ronen Yehuda (Manager)

Equipment/facility: Facility

Equipments Details


CRi Maestro II ™ In-Vivo Imaging System is used to image fluorescent-lables in whole-live animals. Using multispectral acquisition and analysis, the system eliminates autofluorescence and provides multicolor flexibility and quantitative accuracy for both visible and near-infrared labels.

Maestro II imaging system
Software for multispectral acquisition and data processing
Illumination module
Excitation and emission filter sets (see below)
Ports for anesthesia systems

Imaging fluorescence in whole small-animals (mice and rat) but also plants, organs, slides, plates, gels and tissue culture.

The Maestro system is located at the SPF animal facility. To reserve this instrument, please use the BooKit Lab system


NameCRi Maestro II ™ In-Vivo Imaging System
ManufacturersCaliper Life Sciences


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