Beckman-Coulter Moflo Astrios Cell sorter

  • Yehuda Gubbay (Manager)

Equipment/facility: Equipment

    Equipments Details


    A 4 laser, high speed-high yield, temperature controlled cell sorter capable of 6-way sorting / 6-1536 well plate sorting.

    Manufacturer Features

    Manufacturer: Beckman
    Model: Coulter Moflo Astrios Cell sorter
    4 laser / 4 pinhole configurable system; 355nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm.
    6-way sorting with a variety of collection devices (temperature control for all sort outputs).
    Mixed Mode sorting: each sort stream is capable of having its own sort mode (Enrich, Purify, Single) programmed. Soft aborts and waste can be collected for reanalysis or resorting
    Only sorter capable of >70,000 sort decisions/second validated performance
    32 bit processing and 100 MHz sampling speeds
    Zero electronic dead time equates to no hard aborts
    >100,000 acquisition rate/second validated performance
    5-decade dynamic range PMTs
    Height, Area, Width, Log, Log Area collected simultaneously for all parameters
    1 billion events .fcs files with no parameter limit
    Jet-in-air nozzle (70/100 µm)
    SmartSampler (Sample Input) 5 ml, 1.0 mL, 1.5 mL, 5 mL, 7 mL, 15 mL, 50 mL tubes accepted
    Any tube type (glass, polypropylene, polystyrene, etc).
    Aerosol Evacuation System (AES) pulling particulates from three (3) chambers with verified performance to meet the ISAC guidelines.


    NameCoulter Moflo Astrios Cell sorter
    ManufacturersBeckman Coulter


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